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Sabbatical Reflections Week One

Yes, although people have missed me and I have not been at church, this week is my first whole week of Sabbatical. Until this week, I have also been engaged in the wind-down process. At first, I was happy for a wind-down as it seemed a little scary for my busy life to come to a screeching halt all at once. However, I found the process to be more challenging than expected. I wanted to "retreat," but there were still many things that vied for my attention. At times, I relaxed, but then there was always another thing that I needed to complete. Even now, there are a few things I was unable to do before I began my Sabbatical. Perhaps I will do them, or not, just as the Lord directs.

I started this first week by connecting with people I love and who are no longer in my life regularly. It was so good to see them and share stories of the things happening in our world. I love these people and others I don't see nearly as often as I would like. What a blessing our time was for me, my daughter Abbie, and I hope for them as well.

So far, I have read two autobiographies by Maria Von Trapp. We visited the family home two summers ago, and the first of the two books has been sitting on my "to read" stack beside my bed. What surprised me the most was how I was fed spiritually by her writing. Maria was a devout Catholic with an undeniable personal relationship with God. I had not heard before this that she was part of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in her later years. What a delight to read about her life, her family, and God's special provision for them. I was most impressed by how they established their homestead in Vermont and built their own home with their own hands. I secretly have always had a desire to live off the land or be a pioneer. Laura Ingalls Wilder was my heroine as a child.

I am also reading two sections from Ruth Haley Barton, Invitation to Retreat and Invitation to a Journey. God is talking to me about how I can rest in being who He has created me to be without striving to DO things that He has not ordained for me. I'm already imagining leading a quiet retreat for women to discover "the gift and necessity of time away with God." I am challenged by her question, "Could moments of retreating from noise, words, and activity be built into our times together as faith communities?" I don't know, but I would like to learn!

Life is not without challenges, even on retreat. Some new physical challenges have emerged, and there are issues with the drainage in my yard. Not to mention, my pool has algae bloom I can't seem to get rid of. I told Abbie I was overwhelmed at some point this week, and her response was, you shouldn't be overwhelmed on Sabbatical. I said, "Imagine how overwhelmed I would be if I was not on Sabbatical!" I'm trusting God has me because He keeps telling me so!

This week I have enjoyed my new garden and started the work for the second bed. It will be raised, and I have devised a way to get a drip line for automatic watering! Today I ate my first Yellow Pear Tomato, which is one of my favorites! I am grateful to some friends who gave me a gift certificate which allowed me to buy all the plants for the first part of my kitchen garden. And I am especially grateful for the special friend who helped me put it in last week!

Tonight as I write this entry, it is 77 degrees with a bit of breeze. My dogs are playing happily in the yard, and I have enjoyed this special Sabbath, connecting with God, reading, resting, and experiencing silence. I am blessed.

I may post something every week while I am on Sabbatical, but I don't promise. I will only be doing as the Lord directs and not committing to any particular schedule; what a joy. I am learning to do what Jesus has encouraged me to do and only what he encourages me to do.

Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me, and you'll learn to live freely and lightly. Jesus' words from Matthew 11:29-30.

I wondered yesterday, can I live this way every day, even when not on Sabbatical? Perhaps I will try. :)

Love to all.


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